Friday, January 27, 2012

Quiet night at home

It's the first time I've denied my friends in a while. In the past year or so, I've developed a more "normal" sense of socializing, and I feel guilty if I deny them or outright refuse their attempts to hang out. On top of that, I'm jealously possessive of my best friend. I don't want to miss a thing he does with other friends, and I don't want to leave him alone with our other close friend, because I'm afraid he's a bad influence (even though I know my best friend isn't that easily influenced, nor does he desire to do many of the stupid things our other friend does).
That being said, there is many a night when I step forth from my house without wanting to. And tonight I just wasn't going to have it. Going over to someone else's house meant I would be inclined to wait for them to decide to do something interesting, which I don't get the feeling will happen easily tonight, and who says I'll want to do what they want to do anyway?
I want to spend a nice and quiet night at home, listening to smooth or slightly depressing music in the language of my choosing--Japanese (despite the fact that my shuffle is insisting on giving me upbeat Korean songs or heavy rock songs) and writing my new story or reading Temeraire. My mom bought the first 3 books in the series in one hardcover volume, as well as the two new books we didn't have, and seeing as how when I thought about what I remembered from Victory of Eagles, I said "They were in Africa...or something, right? And there was a cave--a prison?", I need to reread the whole series before proceeding. (As a side note, I fucking love dragons.)
I'll enjoy my night at home, so long as the creative initiative starts taking over.

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